PPWC (Professional Photographers of Wine Country) was finally able to have our 1st social outing in over 2 years! Hidden Forest Nursery was the perfect photographers playground for the afternoon. Owner Mike Boss so generously let us tour around his 7 acres at our own pace and stay until that perfect golden hour of sunlight that we all love so much!
In attendance were some of our Master photographers, Harvey, Micheal, Robert, & the Silvermans. Who always so generously share their expertise. These field trips would not be the same with out you!
Our President and Vice President Karna and Norah, along with long time members, Chris K plus guest, myself, and new members Jason and Rick were also along for the fun. We also had the pleasure of meeting PPSV member Laura who traveled all the way over from Sacramento for the afternoon.
We started as a group by the colorful pond with our Models Anthony and his girlfriend Adiah. They were absolutely adorable and so in love. They were also excited about getting some portraits together and were very patient with all of the different instructions coming from all of us!
We also had our trusted Model Kylie :) who is always ready for any of my adventures!
After the pond we kind of split off into smaller groups and wondered around the many different landscapes. Some of my personal favorites were the Japanese Maples, and the purple flowers surrounding the boardwalk.
We all gathered again towards the end of the trip at the edge of the property where there is beautiful redwood grove and a meadow bordered by a giant Oak tree. We said good bye and thank you to our models and then continued to photograph each other, because we just cant help ourselves :)
The night ended at my favorite local watering hole, The Washoe House where we continued chatting about what we have all been up to the last 2 years our future plans and projects! I sat next to our newest members Jason and Rick had a great time getting to know them!
All in all I think we had a great 1st outing for 2022 and I am really looking forward to next month!
To see more images from our members click below.