PPWC welcomes Brady Thomas:
Master Photographer
Successful Business Owner
Promotes In Person Sales (IPC)
Fiercly passionate about Spanish Wine & Vintage Indian Motorcycles
Date + Details
Tuesday, October 15th
4:30 - 5:30 Dinner
Hopmonk Tavern in Sebastopol
230 Petaluma Ave, Sebastopol, CA 95472
6:00 General Meeting
Community Church of Sebastopol // Media Room
1000 Gravenstein Hwy North
Part I : Round Table Discussion
Part II: Brady Thomas M. Photog.
Free for Members of PPWC, PPSV, and PPSCV
Non-Member Fee $45 (click button above or below for online payment)
Meeting Details:
Naming Your Images for Print Competition-
Tips & Tricks to Help You Generate Stronger Image Titles with Confidence
About Brady Thomas, Benicia Portrait Photographer
My name is Brady Thomas, and I'm an award-winning master photographer based in Benicia, California, in the San Francisco Bay Area. I create custom headshots and business portraits, contemporary and vintage beauty photographs, bridal, boudoir, couple, maternity, high school senior, family fine art images, and pet and equestrian portraiture. Here's what I believe...
I believe in the power of an artful portrait experience to CELEBRATE who you are, right now in this moment, and many GENERATIONS from now.
I believe that fine art portraits of the PEOPLE and ANIMALS we LOVE can be the most beloved things we own.
I believe that we all DESERVE TO BE SEEN in great photographs, at every stage of our lives.
I believe that our FAMILY, especially CHILDREN, should FEEL VALUED and TREASURED every day in big, beautiful portraits on the wall.
I believe that a photograph of yourself that you love can CHANGE the way you see yourself in an instant, every day.
I believe that our families should be able to INHERIT your beautifully printed photographic LEGACY, to illustrate the telling of our STORIES for generations to come.