Share With Us Your "ARTIST'S CHOICE" Image
This week's SIP (Shelter in Place) Challenge is titled "ARTIST'S CHOICE."
This challenge includes, but is not limited to: any image that strikes your fancy. It could be your favorite image. You may also interpret ARTIST'S CHOICE any way you like.
You do not need to be a member of PPWC to participate in and enjoy our SIP Photo Challenges....all you need to do is like us enough to join us for our Thursday Happy Hour!
Dig into your old photos and share your favorite with us, or take a walk and create a new one! :)
We are most interested in you sharing your photograph and telling us a good story. :)
Please submit ONE image.
Please reply to this post for us to add you to our email list and to receive the link to upload your image! Image requirements and schedule will be emailed to you.
Must upload your image by Tuesday, Novembe r10th for our November 12th Happy Hour.
We look forward to seeing you on Thursday, November 12th.
Your Fearless Leaders,
Norah Burrows & Karna Roa