Get Ready to See Yourself in "COLOR"
This week's SIP (Shelter in Place) Challenge is titled "Color" and is brought to us by our members present at the latest Happy Hour.
You do not need to be a member of PPWC to participate in and enjoy our SIP Photo Challenges....all you need to do is like us enough to join us for our Thursday Happy Hour!
This subject is open for interpretation including, but not limited to: the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light. You may also interpret the concept of "color" however you choose.
If you are not able to create a new image before Tuesday, please feel free to dig through your archives! :) We are most interested in you sharing your creative work and telling us a good story. :)
Please submit ONE image.
File size should be 2400 pixels on the long side. Please name your file like this:
(SIP is our new made up category!)
SIP, My Lemon Tree, Karna Roa.jpg
Use your smartphone camera, your dSLR, your Mirrorless, your "whatever camera you have with you" for this challenge.
1) Receive this email and prepare your image.
2) Upload image. Hard deadline of TUESDAY before you go to bed. (July 28th)
3) Join us for Happy Hour on Thursday, July 30th at 5:00 pm via ZOOM.