Virtual Image Comp Procedures
The Submission Deadline
Deadline to enter is Sunday, June 14th at 11:00 pm.
You must be a PPWC or PPSV member to enter.
Each member by enter up to TWO IMAGES.
Uploading to Dropbox
Next week, you'll receive an email with a link to "Please upload your files". Simply click the button to upload.
It's so easy! You do NOT need a dropbox account. Simply click the link and follow directions. The first time I did this, it took one minute from click to receiving an email confirmation that my files were submitted.
Ready Your Files
File Size:
2400pixels on longest edge
Name Your File:
category abbreviation,title,your first and last name.jpg
ie: W, First Kiss, Norah Burrows.jpg
Selecting Your Images
These are things that have not changed, hence I'm putting this information at the bottom of this email. For NEW MEMBERS, this is an important step to research, and PLEASE feel free to reach out with questions about the proper category to enter your images and anything else that might seem overwhelming. It's sometimes overwhelming for us too!
Remember that judges are following PPA standards. Please reference our website for available categories and for the 12 Elements of a Merit Image, and the general rules of image competition.
Evening Itinerary
6:20 Join Zoom and Say Hello! (You will be muted upon entry. Unmute yourself to say hello before 6:30pm.)
6:30 Image Competition Begins.
Members: it's important at this time to both mute yourself and turn off your video.
Following Image Competition, the floor will open up to the Judges to speak further on specific images if they like.
Zoom Etiquette During Judging
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6:30 Mute Audio and Turn off Video. |
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Do not use the Chat feature during judging. |
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Hold all questions until after judging is complete. |
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There will be a brief intermission for a wiggle break :) |
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If you need to excuse yourself and leave early, it's ok. |
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Time permitting, there will be a question and answer period. |
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Image of the Month and Category winners will be announced at end of judging. |
Zoom Details
PPWC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: PPWC June Image Competition
Time: Jun 16, 2020 06:20 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 4431 4849
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Jun 16, 2020, 8:19:54 AM
Sandra J Harris - looking forward to this